
Friday, April 24, 2009



lets play a game b4 i continue.... everything that's left blank like this >> _ , is to be known as the letter m... bcoz my keyboard is not working very efficiently... =/ thnk u... and enjoy....

so ok, back to the _ain topic... SUGAR!! i a_ certainly on a sugar frenzy.... its funny tho, i a_ nt depressed or anything... i just need/want sugar... xD

_ay it be cake....

or sweets....

or chocolate....

or plain/pure sugar!!! wahahaha.... =3

it so_ehow started off when i was lookin for a drink to buy while out shoppin with _y fa_ily... i looked at the drinks... h____ ... winter _elon... ok, i want tat... i took one brand, asked _y bro to take the other.... and then co_pared... 100_l of this can contains XX gra_s of sugar... the other contains _ORE.... so i took tat....

ever since then... sugar sugar all the way... _e and _y frens went to Secret Recipe to celeb lee lings belated bday... and wat can u find there? sugar!! cake!! chocollattteee....@.@
i had a chocolate indulgence cake... and a cup of oreo _ilkshake.... i even took so_e of kangs whipped crea_ which he didnt take.... waste of sugar!! o_g!!!~~~
anyone care to interpret wats up with _e?? ahaha... leave a co__ent... xD
sigh, anyway... kinda tired now.. so, i think... i'll just end the sugar thing.... tho it is still sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.... yu______ @.@ *drools _ore*
Sweetest Sugary Drea_s to everyone out there... =D
~Luv Linz~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

3 words...

I love you? .... nope....

I hate you?? .... again nope.....

Just spill it?? ... yea i did tat...

And now what?? ... oh crap i dont know....

What's the words?? .... u really wanna know?...

Sure why not?? ..... lol... alright, if you say so.....

The words are.......



(f***) is wat i wanted to say.... but i wanna express it REALLL good... and i dun wanna spoil my blog with the word f*** spelling out there nicely... so i'll just replace it with hell....

goodness... somebody.... kill me pls!!!

Luv Linz... =.= ._. x.x T_T